Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Hi everyone! This has to be a short post because I'm in an internet cafe and my time is nearly up! I'm sooo sooo sorry I didn't do a blogoversary post! My computer is broken :( I think it will be a while until it is fixed (or I have to get a new one!) so this means I will not be doing any posts at all for a while. I know, tragic! But the minute my computer is back I will write a lovely long Happy Birthday Bookster Reviews post. And lots more! I am missing you all and thanks Luisa for your lovely comment! Bye bye!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Taking a Break...
Hi, all of my followers and readers! I have decided to take a break from blogging... Blogging, for me, just seems to have lost its spark. I still love it, but writing reviews isn't fun for me anymore. It's more like a chore... I want to enjoy it if I'm going to do it, you know? I think if I take a break for a while, when I come back it might be fun and exciting again. It is fun, but just not as fun as when I started blogging. So I will be taking a break for about a month. I will still read and comment on other blogs, though!
It is my blogoversary (yay!) on the 21st November, so I may do a post then, but otherwise you probably won't see any more posts on Bookster Reviews until early December. Hopefully there will be lots of reviews then! Don't miss me too much! :)
It is my blogoversary (yay!) on the 21st November, so I may do a post then, but otherwise you probably won't see any more posts on Bookster Reviews until early December. Hopefully there will be lots of reviews then! Don't miss me too much! :)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
In My Mailbox #18
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers show what book they received that week, via mailbox, library, bought, borrowed or any other way. It's a great way to see who's reading what so make sure you head on over and join in!
This week was great! Templar e-mailed me with a catalogue of all the books they will be releasing soon and I got to choose which oens I could read and review! How awesome are they?!
Here are the books I got this week:
Fins are Forever (ARC) by Tera Lynn Childs
I have really wanted to read these for ages, so I was delighted to receive them!
Cauldron Spells (ARC) by C.J. Busby
These look really fun! I can't wait to read them :)
Pendragon Legacy Book 1: Sword of Light (ARC) by Katherine Roberts
I haven't read an Arthurian-theme book before, but this sounds brilliant!
Pretty Little Liars: Perfect by Sara Shepard (not pictured)
I love this series! I have already read and LOVED this book! I had to give it back to the person I had borrrowed it off, though so that's why it's not in the picture.
By the way, I am going away for a few days so I will not be able to reply to any e-mails or comments or anything-sorry! I'll be back on Wednesday though, so don't worry!
What did you get in your mailbox?
Here are the books I got this week:
For Review
Forgive My FinsFins are Forever (ARC) by Tera Lynn Childs
I have really wanted to read these for ages, so I was delighted to receive them!
Cauldron Spells (ARC) by C.J. Busby
These look really fun! I can't wait to read them :)
Pendragon Legacy Book 1: Sword of Light (ARC) by Katherine Roberts
I haven't read an Arthurian-theme book before, but this sounds brilliant!
Pretty Little Liars: Perfect by Sara Shepard (not pictured)
I love this series! I have already read and LOVED this book! I had to give it back to the person I had borrrowed it off, though so that's why it's not in the picture.
By the way, I am going away for a few days so I will not be able to reply to any e-mails or comments or anything-sorry! I'll be back on Wednesday though, so don't worry!
What did you get in your mailbox?
Friday, October 14, 2011
A Tale Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz

Reader: beware. Warlocks with dark spells, hunters with deadly aim, and bakers with ovens retrofitted for cooking children lurk within these pages.
But if you dare, turn the page and learn the true story of Hansel and Gretel - the story behind (and beyond) the bread crumbs, edible houses and outwitted witches.
Come on in. It may be frightening, it's certainly bloody, and it's definitely not for the faint of heart, but unlike those other fairy tales you know, this one is true.
I wasn't sure at first if I was going to like this book or not. It is aimed at a younger audience than the age group I normally read books for. I thought it would just be an OK, quick read. But I was SO WRONG! I LOVED this book! It was just brilliant! It was witty, and fun and AWESOME!
I liked the way that there was all these fairy tales all beginning with 'Once upon a time...' or 'Once there was a...' and so on, but there was still one big plot throughout the book. It was done fantastically, the way all of the story connected together! I haven't read Grimm's Fairy Tales, so I don't know how much of A Tale Dark and Grimm sticks to the original stories, and how much came from the author's imagination. But it doesn't matter because it's all brilliant anyway!
This is really the full story of Hansel and Gretel, and I loved reading about all their adventures. The witch-that-tries-to-cook-the-kids story, the one that we all know, takes up barely one chapter! My favourite story has to be the one about the Hansel and the Devil, which is called The Three Golden Hairs. It's so funny! And sort of terrifying...
Which brings me to this - the book is actually quite scary! At the start of the book, and nearly every chapter, the author warns the reader that it's going to be bloody, and scary, and that all the little children should be sent to bed before we read on. Which of course makes the reader want to read on even more! But anyway, I was actually kind of creeped out by this book! Not in a bad way though! It takes serious writing skills to make a reader feel scared, so good one Mr.Gidwitz!
Hansel and Gretel had many different parents and families throughout the story, and one of the best things about the book, along with the humour, the writing, and the way the authors talks to the readers, was the relationship between the two siblings. They had a strong brother/sister relationship, and went through years of tough but adventurous lives together. They were very close, and I thought their relationship was portrayed well.
A Tale Dark and Grimm is just amazing. It is a humorous, entertaining, addictive, scary and all round brilliant book! And if my review hasn't convinced you to read it yet, how about the first line...?
'Once upon a time, fairy tales were awesome.'
Oh yeah.
Rating: 5/5
Source: For review
Pages: 296
Age Group: Hmmm...it's a bit scary, so 10+!
Official Publication Date: 4th August 2011
Publisher: Andersen Press
Author Website: www.adamgidwitz.com
Monday, October 10, 2011
In My Mailbox #17
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers show what book they received that week, via mailbox, library, bought, borrowed or any other way. It's a great way to see who's reading what so make sure you head on over and join in!
This week, I met....wait for it...wait for it...bom bom bommm...DARREN SHAN!!! WOOOH! (I am so excited because he is the first author I've ever met! But I think even if this wasn't the first time meeting an author, I would still be excited!) I was so happy! Darren is the author that got me into reading! Every single book he's ever written is brilliant! I knew I had to meet him at some point in my life. And so I was looking at his website, and he was doing a couple of signings in Ireland, so I went to one of them! I was only lining up for about 30 mins, and he was really nice! He signed all *coughtwenty-twocough* of my books for me. I felt sorry for the people behind me...
I bought Darren's new book, Palace of the Damned, the third in the Larten Crepsley saga. He signed that too :) I asked him about the new series he has been hinting about on his website, and he told me he couldn't say anything yet, but he should be announcing it on his blog sometimes this week. So I'm uber-excited! But unfortunately, I forget to mention to him about my blog! Argh! I think I'm going to write him a letter though. I've been meaning to anyway! By the way, if you haven't read anything by Darren Shan yet, you must! I would recommend starting with Lord Loss, or Cirque Du Freak if you're not a fan of horror!
OK, so to the point! I just got two books this week. They are...
Palace of the Damned by Darren Shan
I love this series! I am really looking forward to starting this!
And By The Way... by Denise Deegan
My friend gave me this and told me it was brilliant. I'm been wanting to read it anyway, so I suppose I better give it a go!
So that's my mailbox! I might show some of the signed books next week, because this week, I couldn't be bothered taking a picture and uploading and going to all that trouble! I had a good week anyway!
What did you get in you mailbox?
This week, I met....wait for it...wait for it...bom bom bommm...DARREN SHAN!!! WOOOH! (I am so excited because he is the first author I've ever met! But I think even if this wasn't the first time meeting an author, I would still be excited!) I was so happy! Darren is the author that got me into reading! Every single book he's ever written is brilliant! I knew I had to meet him at some point in my life. And so I was looking at his website, and he was doing a couple of signings in Ireland, so I went to one of them! I was only lining up for about 30 mins, and he was really nice! He signed all *coughtwenty-twocough* of my books for me. I felt sorry for the people behind me...
I bought Darren's new book, Palace of the Damned, the third in the Larten Crepsley saga. He signed that too :) I asked him about the new series he has been hinting about on his website, and he told me he couldn't say anything yet, but he should be announcing it on his blog sometimes this week. So I'm uber-excited! But unfortunately, I forget to mention to him about my blog! Argh! I think I'm going to write him a letter though. I've been meaning to anyway! By the way, if you haven't read anything by Darren Shan yet, you must! I would recommend starting with Lord Loss, or Cirque Du Freak if you're not a fan of horror!
OK, so to the point! I just got two books this week. They are...
Palace of the Damned by Darren Shan
I love this series! I am really looking forward to starting this!
And By The Way... by Denise Deegan
My friend gave me this and told me it was brilliant. I'm been wanting to read it anyway, so I suppose I better give it a go!
So that's my mailbox! I might show some of the signed books next week, because this week, I couldn't be bothered taking a picture and uploading and going to all that trouble! I had a good week anyway!
What did you get in you mailbox?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
In My Mailbox #16
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers show what book they received that week, via mailbox, library, bought, borrowed or any other way. It's a great way to see who's reading what so make sure you head on over and join in! This week I got:

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
I LOVED The Lightning Thief so I was sooo excited to get this! I'm nearly finished it, it's brilliant!
I only got one book this week, but it's a great one!
What did you get in your mailbox?

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
I LOVED The Lightning Thief so I was sooo excited to get this! I'm nearly finished it, it's brilliant!
I only got one book this week, but it's a great one!
What did you get in your mailbox?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Day of the Assassins by Johnny O'Brien
The Year: 1914, The Place: Sarajevo, The Mission: assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Jack Christie and his friend Angus are caught up in a major event that will dramatically change the future. Should they intervene? And, more importantly, will they survive? Join Jack and his friends on a dangerous chase across pre-war Europe to the rain-sodden trenches of World War I, as the future of mankind hangs in the balance.
When I was approached about reviewing Day of the Assassins, I thought it would be an exciting and educational (in a fun way!) book. And although, at times I did find it a bit boring, and a little confusing, it proved to be an enjoyable read!
Angus and Jack made such a pair! Angus was confident, funny, loyal and a little bit of an idiot. But I loved him! He was a fantastic character, my favourite in the book. Jack was the quieter, more intelligent of the two. He was kind and loyal. I liked his character as well. Another character I thought was fantastic was the professor! He was a bit crazy, but really good to the two boys. And Anna, the woman from 1914. There wasn't many girl characters so she was great! The way she was fighter, and didn't just sit back and let the men do everything!
The writing was exquisite. The descriptions were very exact. For some people, that is the type of writing they would like the most, but for me...it just didn't work. I found the descriptions a bit too long and tedious. At times I even skipped over little bits of it. Also, the words that were used were very.. Ehh...Big. OMG I can't believe I can't think of a better word! Sorry! I'm awful :) And I'm meant to be good at English?! Anyway, the words were very big for the targeted age group (9-11) and I don't think a lot of children that age would understand them. Even I didn't understand a few...
This was a book with a lot of machinery and guns in it. Guns, cars and tanks and all that aren't quite my thing, so I didn't understand a lot of the terms used! I think kids who are interested in that type of stuff would love this book, but I do wish that there were more explanations of the different machinery for those of us who don't know anything about stuff like that (in other words, me)!
I liked the way you didn't know who were the bad guys and who were the good guys. It added a bit of mystery, to go alongside the adventure, to the story. Because VIGIL'S cause seemed better, but the Revisionist people seemed nicer. It was really hard to tell who was right! But in the end I think Jack and Angus made the right choice.
The book was really good at the beginning and the end. I found the middle part a bit boring. In fact, none of it was 'gripping' as such. It was enjoyable, but I didn't feel, you know, compelled to turn the page at any point. I stopped reading it for a while when I got bored, and read another couple of other books, but then when I started reading this again I enjoyed it much more! I think I just needed a break to read something lighter!
Overall, I did like Day of the Assasins, but I just don't think it was my type of book. I think younger girls and boys, but maybe more boys, would really enjoy it. It is educational too, in a subtle way! Reading it, I even found myself learning a lot!
Rating: 3.5/5
Source: For review
Pages: 224
Age Group: 9+
Official Publication Date: First 1st June 2009, this edition 1st February 2010
Publisher: Templar
Author Website: www.johnnyobrien.net or www.jackchristieadventures.com
Angus and Jack made such a pair! Angus was confident, funny, loyal and a little bit of an idiot. But I loved him! He was a fantastic character, my favourite in the book. Jack was the quieter, more intelligent of the two. He was kind and loyal. I liked his character as well. Another character I thought was fantastic was the professor! He was a bit crazy, but really good to the two boys. And Anna, the woman from 1914. There wasn't many girl characters so she was great! The way she was fighter, and didn't just sit back and let the men do everything!
The writing was exquisite. The descriptions were very exact. For some people, that is the type of writing they would like the most, but for me...it just didn't work. I found the descriptions a bit too long and tedious. At times I even skipped over little bits of it. Also, the words that were used were very.. Ehh...Big. OMG I can't believe I can't think of a better word! Sorry! I'm awful :) And I'm meant to be good at English?! Anyway, the words were very big for the targeted age group (9-11) and I don't think a lot of children that age would understand them. Even I didn't understand a few...
This was a book with a lot of machinery and guns in it. Guns, cars and tanks and all that aren't quite my thing, so I didn't understand a lot of the terms used! I think kids who are interested in that type of stuff would love this book, but I do wish that there were more explanations of the different machinery for those of us who don't know anything about stuff like that (in other words, me)!
I liked the way you didn't know who were the bad guys and who were the good guys. It added a bit of mystery, to go alongside the adventure, to the story. Because VIGIL'S cause seemed better, but the Revisionist people seemed nicer. It was really hard to tell who was right! But in the end I think Jack and Angus made the right choice.
The book was really good at the beginning and the end. I found the middle part a bit boring. In fact, none of it was 'gripping' as such. It was enjoyable, but I didn't feel, you know, compelled to turn the page at any point. I stopped reading it for a while when I got bored, and read another couple of other books, but then when I started reading this again I enjoyed it much more! I think I just needed a break to read something lighter!
Overall, I did like Day of the Assasins, but I just don't think it was my type of book. I think younger girls and boys, but maybe more boys, would really enjoy it. It is educational too, in a subtle way! Reading it, I even found myself learning a lot!
Rating: 3.5/5
Source: For review
Pages: 224
Age Group: 9+
Official Publication Date: First 1st June 2009, this edition 1st February 2010
Publisher: Templar
Author Website: www.johnnyobrien.net or www.jackchristieadventures.com
Monday, September 19, 2011
In My Mailbox #15
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers show what book they received that week, via mailbox, library, bought, borrowed or any other way. It's a great way to see who's reading what so make sure you head on over and join in! This week was fab! I got...
Million Dollar Mates: Catwalk Queen by Cathy Hopkins
I won this off the brilliant Girls Heart Books website, and was really happy! I love Cathy Hopkins! I haven't read the others in this series, but I'll just get them at the library. :)
For Review/Gift
Ask Amy Green:Love and Other Drama-Ramas by Sarah Webb
Squeeeeeeeeee :) I love this series so much, and was really looking forward to this being released. And then the brilliant Luisa Plaja e-mailed me and asked if I wanted to review it for Chicklish! I of course said yes and here I am! I've already read and loved this!
Cinnamon Girl: This Way to Paradise by Cathy Hopkins
I've read the second and the third in this series, but never the first! The lovely Luisa also sent me this and the book below, after seeing them on my wishlist. I can't wait to read it!
Extreme Kissing by Luisa Plaja
I LOVED Luisa's other two books, and her book on Fiction Express so I was so happy when I got this! Signed and dedicated to me too :D I am really looking forward to starting it!
So that's my mailbox for this week. Not bad :) I am really happy with what I got!
What did you get in your mailbox?
Million Dollar Mates: Catwalk Queen by Cathy Hopkins
I won this off the brilliant Girls Heart Books website, and was really happy! I love Cathy Hopkins! I haven't read the others in this series, but I'll just get them at the library. :)
For Review/Gift
Ask Amy Green:Love and Other Drama-Ramas by Sarah Webb
Squeeeeeeeeee :) I love this series so much, and was really looking forward to this being released. And then the brilliant Luisa Plaja e-mailed me and asked if I wanted to review it for Chicklish! I of course said yes and here I am! I've already read and loved this!
Cinnamon Girl: This Way to Paradise by Cathy Hopkins
I've read the second and the third in this series, but never the first! The lovely Luisa also sent me this and the book below, after seeing them on my wishlist. I can't wait to read it!
Extreme Kissing by Luisa Plaja
I LOVED Luisa's other two books, and her book on Fiction Express so I was so happy when I got this! Signed and dedicated to me too :D I am really looking forward to starting it!
So that's my mailbox for this week. Not bad :) I am really happy with what I got!
What did you get in your mailbox?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Day of Vengeance by Johnny O' Brien Blog Tour: Guest Post!
Today I welcome Johnny O'Brien to Bookster Reviews, as part of the Day of Vengeance blog tour! Day of Vengeance, published by Templar, is the latest installment in the exciting Jack Christie Adventures. On this stop, Johnny will be guest posting on his favourite periods of history. And now over to Johnny...
As you learn more about history, you
realise that every period has its own fascination – amazing characters,
extraordinary events. Trouble is, history is so vast that there is always loads
of stuff that you will never know.
The next in the series is called Day of Deliverance and is based in
Elizabethan England around the time of the Armada. This is a fantastic period
of history. Not only have you got the great political and religious turmoil of
the age but you have this incredible artistic renaissance – Shakespeare,
Marlowe and much more besides. Again, you’ve got a big historical turning point
– the defeat of the Spanish Armada – which of course is one of the great
stories in European history and features in the book.
Just out is Day of Vengeance which takes Jack and Angus back to the twentieth
century and the Battle of Britain, the defeat of France in 1940 and Hitler’s
visit to Paris (which you can see astonishing actual footage of on YouTube –
very spooky and sinister). The Second World War also changed the world and was
the worst military conflict of all time.
The period is really without match in history – in terms of scale and
significance. In some ways, a lot of our history since then has been about
people trying to make sure it never happens again. One of the things I like
about modern history, particularly the Second World War, is the availability of
real footage of events – it helps bring it to life.
The topics in the first three ‘Jack
Christie’ adventures are probably better known bits of history. For that
reason, for the fourth book, we’re going to go somewhere a bit different and
take our readers to China. This story features the Taiping Rebellion. Never
heard of it? Well you will. It was a civil war in China about a hundred and
fifty years ago and more people died in it than in the First World War. It’s
going to be great to take Jack and Angus somewhere new, where many people know
a lot less than they do about some of the other periods they have been to.
Hopefully you will agree!
Thanks Johnny! What an interesting post! I haven't heard much about the Taiping Rebellion, but I'm looking forward to finding out more about it.
And make sure you check out the rest of the blog tour. See above,the tour's banner, for more. Tomorrows stop, which is the last on the blog tour, is on Booktastic Reviews.
I hope you enjoyed reading Johnny's post as much as I did! My reviews of the books should be up soon!
History is a brilliant subject and teaches
great skills (and is invaluable for pub quizzes which becomes quite important
in later life).
I suppose three of my favourite periods are
those that feature in the three Jack Christie books so far:
of the Assassins is the first in the series and is
based around the assassination in Sarajevo in 1914 which triggered the First
World War. What fascinates me about this period is how the First World War,
which ended in nearly ten million deaths and changed the world, almost didn’t
happen. The build up to the war is a mixture of comedy, farce and tragedy...
one that might easily have been avoided – and I suppose that is the central
idea of ‘Assassins.’

Thanks Johnny! What an interesting post! I haven't heard much about the Taiping Rebellion, but I'm looking forward to finding out more about it.
And make sure you check out the rest of the blog tour. See above,the tour's banner, for more. Tomorrows stop, which is the last on the blog tour, is on Booktastic Reviews.
I hope you enjoyed reading Johnny's post as much as I did! My reviews of the books should be up soon!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
In My Mailbox #14
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers show what book they received that week, via mailbox, library, bought, borrowed or any other way. It's a great way to see who's reading what so make sure you head on over and join in! This week was great! I got...
The Client by John Grisham
I don't usually read adult books, but my auntie gave this on to me and told me it was good, so I thought I better give it a go! It sounds great!
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel (ARC)
Thanks to the fantastic Caroline at Portrait of a Woman! I've wanted to read this for a while, and now I can! It looks brilliant.
How To Be Popular by Meg Cabot
I went to a book swap for charity and I donated five books, and so each of the following books only cost 50 CENT! YES!!! Anyway, I love Meg Cabot, and this is great so far!
The Year the Gypsies Came by Linzi Glass
I haven't heard of this before, but this sounds really sweet, so I got it.
Dark Touch:Shadows by Amy Merdith
This looks really good!
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Greogry Maguire
I've never read a fairytale re-telling before, but since Fluttering Butterflies Fairy Tale Themed Week I've wanted to. And this sounds really fun!
32C, That's Me by Chris Higgins
I've read another Chris Higgins book, Would You Rather, and I enjoyed it so I'm looking forward to reading this!
Well that's my lot for the week! I'm mega-happy!!! I probably shouldn't have bought more books though, I have too many already :) But it was for charity. So that's OK!
What did you get in your mailbox?
The Client by John Grisham
I don't usually read adult books, but my auntie gave this on to me and told me it was good, so I thought I better give it a go! It sounds great!
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel (ARC)
Thanks to the fantastic Caroline at Portrait of a Woman! I've wanted to read this for a while, and now I can! It looks brilliant.
How To Be Popular by Meg Cabot
I went to a book swap for charity and I donated five books, and so each of the following books only cost 50 CENT! YES!!! Anyway, I love Meg Cabot, and this is great so far!
The Year the Gypsies Came by Linzi Glass
I haven't heard of this before, but this sounds really sweet, so I got it.
Dark Touch:Shadows by Amy Merdith
This looks really good!
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Greogry Maguire
I've never read a fairytale re-telling before, but since Fluttering Butterflies Fairy Tale Themed Week I've wanted to. And this sounds really fun!
32C, That's Me by Chris Higgins
I've read another Chris Higgins book, Would You Rather, and I enjoyed it so I'm looking forward to reading this!
Well that's my lot for the week! I'm mega-happy!!! I probably shouldn't have bought more books though, I have too many already :) But it was for charity. So that's OK!
What did you get in your mailbox?
Friday, September 2, 2011
Zodiac Girls:Double Trouble by Cathy Hopkins
Like most Scorpios, Eve has secrets that no one knows about - not even her twin sister Lilith. Usually bossy Lilith leads the way, but when Eve is chosen to be Zodiac Girl, for once Lilith is left behind. With the help of the planets, can Eve finally step out of her sister's shadow?
I love this series! It's so fun! I like the concept and the writing, and the characters and everything. It's perfect for young tween girls. And while in my opinion Double Trouble isn't the best installment, I still enjoyed reading it.
The story is about Eve, a girl who is overshadowed by her bossy twin Lilith. I did like Eve, but I wished she was a little more outgoing. Lilith was outgoing but I didn't really like her a lot, at least not at first, because she pretty much didn't let Eve have an opinion and was sulky when Eve got something she didn't. I wanted to tell Eve to stand up to her and say 'Get
over yourself! Grow up and stop being such a brat!'
My favourite character was Mary, Eve's best friend. She was always encouraging Eve to be herself and not care what Lilith and other people thought. And even though Eve didn't always listen to her, that was definitely what she needed to hear! She was also really fun and kind, and a great friend, the type everyone should have!
And of course, our favourite 'planets' were back again! I really liked Nessa, or Venus, as she's also known. And PJ, who wasn't really in the other books much (the ones that I've read anyway), we got to know a lot better. While sometimes I couldn't understand what he was saying (he has a...Russian..? Is it? I can't remember! But anyway he had a strong accent!), he was a cool character.
I thought sometimes the teenage characters, especially Eve, spoke in a way teenagers don't speak! I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but I'll just say it was in the way that older, people in they're 50's or 60's, would talk. But that's just my opinion! It was very predictable book too. I knew what was going to happen in the end, and I knew what Eve's secrets were. I do wish there was more going on in the story, it was a bit boring sometimes!
Overall this is a short, lighthearted, girly read which I did enjoy reading. Fans of Sarah Webb, Judi Curtin and Cathy Cassidy will enjoy this series. I wouldn't recommend this book, but I would recommend the series, particularly the books Recipe For Rebellion and From Geek to Goddess.
Source: Bought
Pages: 160
Age Group: 9+
Official Publication Date: 2nd October 2009
Publisher: Macmillan Childrens Books
Author Website: www.cathyhopkins.com
I love this series! It's so fun! I like the concept and the writing, and the characters and everything. It's perfect for young tween girls. And while in my opinion Double Trouble isn't the best installment, I still enjoyed reading it.
The story is about Eve, a girl who is overshadowed by her bossy twin Lilith. I did like Eve, but I wished she was a little more outgoing. Lilith was outgoing but I didn't really like her a lot, at least not at first, because she pretty much didn't let Eve have an opinion and was sulky when Eve got something she didn't. I wanted to tell Eve to stand up to her and say 'Get
over yourself! Grow up and stop being such a brat!'
My favourite character was Mary, Eve's best friend. She was always encouraging Eve to be herself and not care what Lilith and other people thought. And even though Eve didn't always listen to her, that was definitely what she needed to hear! She was also really fun and kind, and a great friend, the type everyone should have!
And of course, our favourite 'planets' were back again! I really liked Nessa, or Venus, as she's also known. And PJ, who wasn't really in the other books much (the ones that I've read anyway), we got to know a lot better. While sometimes I couldn't understand what he was saying (he has a...Russian..? Is it? I can't remember! But anyway he had a strong accent!), he was a cool character.
I thought sometimes the teenage characters, especially Eve, spoke in a way teenagers don't speak! I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but I'll just say it was in the way that older, people in they're 50's or 60's, would talk. But that's just my opinion! It was very predictable book too. I knew what was going to happen in the end, and I knew what Eve's secrets were. I do wish there was more going on in the story, it was a bit boring sometimes!
Overall this is a short, lighthearted, girly read which I did enjoy reading. Fans of Sarah Webb, Judi Curtin and Cathy Cassidy will enjoy this series. I wouldn't recommend this book, but I would recommend the series, particularly the books Recipe For Rebellion and From Geek to Goddess.
Source: Bought
Pages: 160
Age Group: 9+
Official Publication Date: 2nd October 2009
Publisher: Macmillan Childrens Books
Author Website: www.cathyhopkins.com
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday #1 Top Ten Books That Are On The Top Of My TBR List For Autumn
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week bloggers participating create a Top Ten list based on that week's theme. This week's theme is Top Ten Books That Are On The Top Of My TBR List For Autumn. And here is my Top Ten
Sister, Missing by Sophie McKenzie
This is the sequel to Girl, Missing, one of my all time favourite books. I so cannot wait to read it!
Marshmallow Skye by Cathy Cassidy
Sequel to Cherry Crush, an amazing book! I saw it in the bookshop yesterday, and I was thinking to myself, I NEED THIS!
Ask Amy Green:Love and Other Drama-Ramas by Sarah Webb
Ask Amy Green is one of my favourite series ever, so I'm looking forward to when this is published.
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
I've heard amazing things about this one, and it looks brilliant!
Palace of the Damned by Darren Shan
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
I've heard this is amazing, and I've had it on my shelf for a while. I have to get round to reading it at some point!
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
This is supposed to be brilliant, and I've had it for ages but haven't read it!
Pretty Little Liars: Perfect by Sara Shepard
This series is intriguing, I'm looking forward to reading this when I can.
The Medusa Project: The Rescue by Sophie McKenzie
Another Sophie McKenzie book! I've been told this is the best in the series, and can't wait to start it.
Angel Fire by L.A. Weatherly
I liked Angel but for some reason, never wrote a review for it! This comes out in October.
There you go! My first Top Ten Tuesday. It was quite fun! I think I'll do it more often! Tell me in the comments what you think of my list, and what books you're looking forward to reading this Autumn.
Sister, Missing by Sophie McKenzie
This is the sequel to Girl, Missing, one of my all time favourite books. I so cannot wait to read it!
Marshmallow Skye by Cathy Cassidy
Sequel to Cherry Crush, an amazing book! I saw it in the bookshop yesterday, and I was thinking to myself, I NEED THIS!
Ask Amy Green:Love and Other Drama-Ramas by Sarah Webb
Ask Amy Green is one of my favourite series ever, so I'm looking forward to when this is published.
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
I've heard amazing things about this one, and it looks brilliant!
Palace of the Damned by Darren Shan
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
I've heard this is amazing, and I've had it on my shelf for a while. I have to get round to reading it at some point!
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
This is supposed to be brilliant, and I've had it for ages but haven't read it!
Pretty Little Liars: Perfect by Sara Shepard
This series is intriguing, I'm looking forward to reading this when I can.
The Medusa Project: The Rescue by Sophie McKenzie
Another Sophie McKenzie book! I've been told this is the best in the series, and can't wait to start it.
Angel Fire by L.A. Weatherly
I liked Angel but for some reason, never wrote a review for it! This comes out in October.
There you go! My first Top Ten Tuesday. It was quite fun! I think I'll do it more often! Tell me in the comments what you think of my list, and what books you're looking forward to reading this Autumn.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
CHERUB:The Recruit by Robert Muchamore
A terrorist doesn't let strangers in her flat because they might be undercover police or intelligence agents, but her children bring their mates home and they run all over the place. The terrorist doesn't know that a kid has bugged every room in her house, cloned the hard drive on her PC, and copied all the numbers in her phone book. The kid works for CHERUB. CHERUB is not James Bond. There are no master criminals or high-tech gadgets. CHERUB kids live in the real world. They slip under adult radar and get information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail. For official purposes, these children do not exist.
Meet James Adams. He is a couch potato until the day his mother dies, and he is sent to live in a care home, and his beloved little sister Lauren is taken in by her hating father. And then James is recruited by CHERUB. CHERUB is a secret organisation set up by the government which uses kids aged ten to seventeen to go on secret missions, but no-one suspects them, because, who suspects kids?
You know, I've never actually read a spy book. Yes, I know, unbelievable as I'm such an avid reader, and as there's so many out there! But even though I haven't read any other book like The Recruit, I honestly don't think you could get better! It's AMAZING! It's action-packed, and there's always something happening, so you never get bored. You can't put it down!
The Recruit is told in third person, which I think is better in action books, but you still really felt with James, if you know what mean. I liked him, but he wasn't a particularly interesting character. I really liked his friend Kerry, I thought she was so great! I'd love to be friends with her! And James's little sister Lauren, whom unfortunately we didn't get to see a lot of, seemed like a character with a lot of potential. Hopefully we'll get to see more of her in future books. I thought the relationship between the characters was fantastic too, especially between James and Kerry, and James and Lauren.
I honestly think this is one of the best books I've read! Ever! It was brilliant the way the book told about James' 'boot camp' and introduced CHERUB, but also about his first mission. I thought it was just going to be all about the spy training and even though that would have been enjoyable, it wouldn't have been very exciting. So I was delighted when James did the mission. It added hugely to the story.
Muchamore's writing is just fantastic! It's really compelling. Straight away when I had finished reading The Recruit, I wanted more! I was really regretting not getting the first two books in this series at the library. And then, guess what? I went to the library last week, and they didn't. Even. Have. The. Second. Book. I was like, nooooooooooooooo!
Would I recommend this? Yes. To whom? Everyone? Is it just a boys book? No way! I think boys and girls alike will enjoy it, as long as they're aged above about 12. It's enjoyable, original, exciting and damn right amazing! Please, please read this. You won't regret it. Seriously. And I just thought there,this, or another book in in the series, would make such a brilliant movie! I hope that happens some day.... WAIT! Just Googled it, The Recruit is becoming a movie! Woooh! But according to Wikipedia there's no set release date or anything, so it probably won't be out for a while :(
So, people of the world, if you haven't already, get down to your local bookshop and get yourself a copy of The Recruit. I think you'll like it :)
Rating 5/5
Source: Library
Pages: 352
Age Group: 12+
Official Publication Date: 15th April 2004
Publisher: Hodder Childrens Books
Author Website: www.muchamore.com or www.cherubcampus.com
P.S. Sorry about the white background on some of the text, I don't know what it is so I can't get rid of it! Does anyone know how to fix it, by any chance?...
Meet James Adams. He is a couch potato until the day his mother dies, and he is sent to live in a care home, and his beloved little sister Lauren is taken in by her hating father. And then James is recruited by CHERUB. CHERUB is a secret organisation set up by the government which uses kids aged ten to seventeen to go on secret missions, but no-one suspects them, because, who suspects kids?
You know, I've never actually read a spy book. Yes, I know, unbelievable as I'm such an avid reader, and as there's so many out there! But even though I haven't read any other book like The Recruit, I honestly don't think you could get better! It's AMAZING! It's action-packed, and there's always something happening, so you never get bored. You can't put it down!
The Recruit is told in third person, which I think is better in action books, but you still really felt with James, if you know what mean. I liked him, but he wasn't a particularly interesting character. I really liked his friend Kerry, I thought she was so great! I'd love to be friends with her! And James's little sister Lauren, whom unfortunately we didn't get to see a lot of, seemed like a character with a lot of potential. Hopefully we'll get to see more of her in future books. I thought the relationship between the characters was fantastic too, especially between James and Kerry, and James and Lauren.
I honestly think this is one of the best books I've read! Ever! It was brilliant the way the book told about James' 'boot camp' and introduced CHERUB, but also about his first mission. I thought it was just going to be all about the spy training and even though that would have been enjoyable, it wouldn't have been very exciting. So I was delighted when James did the mission. It added hugely to the story.
Muchamore's writing is just fantastic! It's really compelling. Straight away when I had finished reading The Recruit, I wanted more! I was really regretting not getting the first two books in this series at the library. And then, guess what? I went to the library last week, and they didn't. Even. Have. The. Second. Book. I was like, nooooooooooooooo!
Would I recommend this? Yes. To whom? Everyone? Is it just a boys book? No way! I think boys and girls alike will enjoy it, as long as they're aged above about 12. It's enjoyable, original, exciting and damn right amazing! Please, please read this. You won't regret it. Seriously. And I just thought there,this, or another book in in the series, would make such a brilliant movie! I hope that happens some day.... WAIT! Just Googled it, The Recruit is becoming a movie! Woooh! But according to Wikipedia there's no set release date or anything, so it probably won't be out for a while :(
So, people of the world, if you haven't already, get down to your local bookshop and get yourself a copy of The Recruit. I think you'll like it :)
Rating 5/5
Source: Library
Pages: 352
Age Group: 12+
Official Publication Date: 15th April 2004
Publisher: Hodder Childrens Books
Author Website: www.muchamore.com or www.cherubcampus.com
P.S. Sorry about the white background on some of the text, I don't know what it is so I can't get rid of it! Does anyone know how to fix it, by any chance?...
Sunday, August 21, 2011
In My Mailbox #13
In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers show what book they received that week, via mailbox, library, bought, borrowed or any other way. It's a great way to see who's reading what so make sure you head on over and join in!
Borrowed (from my awesome friends Sinead, Emer and Orla. They gave me the books on the condition that I mentioned them in my IMM post :D)
Spy Girl:Out of the Shadows
Spy Girl: Once Upon a Crime
I've never heard of these before, but they sound really fun!
My So-Called Life by Joanna Nadin
I already have read about 50 pages of this, and I didn't really like it, so I don't think I'll be finishing it.
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
I've never read a Dessen book (don't judge) but I've heard they're amazing and I've looking forward to giving this a go. And, LOOK AT THAT COVER!
CHERUB:Maximum Security by Robert Muchamore
I've read the first in this series, and I LOVED it, and even though this is the third book, I'm going to try and get the second one, Class A, from the library as soon as I can.
Scarlett by Cathy Cassidy
After reading Lucky Star, which was BRILLIANT, I read this one straight away and I completely
loved it!
Life at the Shallow End by Helen Bailey (not pictured)
I've already read a bit of this and it's hilarious! I think I'm going to like it :)
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis
This volume has all seven books, and I really can't wait to start it because I loved the movies, and, well, they're classics!
Across the Universe by Beth Revis
I was really surpised to find this at the library, but delighted too! I've heard it's amazing. I can't wait to read it.
Matched by Ally Condie
I've heard mixed things about this, but I'm looking forward to reading it and deciding for myself.
Rose and the Lost Princess by Holly Webb
I enjoyed the first book in this series, Rose, so I hope I like this too.
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
I recently watched this AMAZING movie, and it was adapted from this novel, so this is going to be my next read, definitely!
Spiderwick Chronicles: Book 3 Lucinda's Secret by Holy Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Already read and loved this :)
The Palace of Laughter by Jon Berkeley
I got this from the library a couple of years ago but never got around to reading it. It sounds magical, and it was only 2euro at a charity shop, so I had to get it!
The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon
This was only 1euro in a different charity shop! Bargain or what! I'm reading it now ans it's unlike anything I've read before.
Zodiac Girl:Double Trouble by Cathy Hopkins
I got this and the below book in a 2 for 5euro deal. Bargain week! I love this series and Hopkins other books.
Forget Me Not by Anne Cassidy
I've never read a YA crime novel, or any of Anne's books before, but I've heard they're amazing, and this does sound it, and I am eager to begin reading it.
I didn't have enough time to do an IMM post last week, so I got double this week! The first picture is the books I got last week and the second is the ones I got this week. I'm sooooooooo happy! Yay for Narnia and Across The Universe! So what did you get in your mailboxes?
Borrowed (from my awesome friends Sinead, Emer and Orla. They gave me the books on the condition that I mentioned them in my IMM post :D)
Spy Girl:Out of the Shadows
Spy Girl: Once Upon a Crime
I've never heard of these before, but they sound really fun!
My So-Called Life by Joanna Nadin
I already have read about 50 pages of this, and I didn't really like it, so I don't think I'll be finishing it.
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
I've never read a Dessen book (don't judge) but I've heard they're amazing and I've looking forward to giving this a go. And, LOOK AT THAT COVER!
CHERUB:Maximum Security by Robert Muchamore
I've read the first in this series, and I LOVED it, and even though this is the third book, I'm going to try and get the second one, Class A, from the library as soon as I can.
Scarlett by Cathy Cassidy
After reading Lucky Star, which was BRILLIANT, I read this one straight away and I completely
loved it!
Life at the Shallow End by Helen Bailey (not pictured)
I've already read a bit of this and it's hilarious! I think I'm going to like it :)
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis
This volume has all seven books, and I really can't wait to start it because I loved the movies, and, well, they're classics!
Across the Universe by Beth Revis
I was really surpised to find this at the library, but delighted too! I've heard it's amazing. I can't wait to read it.
Matched by Ally Condie
I've heard mixed things about this, but I'm looking forward to reading it and deciding for myself.
Rose and the Lost Princess by Holly Webb
I enjoyed the first book in this series, Rose, so I hope I like this too.
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
I recently watched this AMAZING movie, and it was adapted from this novel, so this is going to be my next read, definitely!
Spiderwick Chronicles: Book 3 Lucinda's Secret by Holy Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
Already read and loved this :)
The Palace of Laughter by Jon Berkeley
I got this from the library a couple of years ago but never got around to reading it. It sounds magical, and it was only 2euro at a charity shop, so I had to get it!
The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon
This was only 1euro in a different charity shop! Bargain or what! I'm reading it now ans it's unlike anything I've read before.
Zodiac Girl:Double Trouble by Cathy Hopkins
I got this and the below book in a 2 for 5euro deal. Bargain week! I love this series and Hopkins other books.
Forget Me Not by Anne Cassidy
I've never read a YA crime novel, or any of Anne's books before, but I've heard they're amazing, and this does sound it, and I am eager to begin reading it.
I didn't have enough time to do an IMM post last week, so I got double this week! The first picture is the books I got last week and the second is the ones I got this week. I'm sooooooooo happy! Yay for Narnia and Across The Universe! So what did you get in your mailboxes?
Friday, August 12, 2011
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I never asked to be the son of a Greek God. I was just a normal kid, going to school, playing basketball, skateboarding. The usual. Until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher. That's when things started really going wrong. Now I spend my time fighting with swords, battling monsters with my friends, and generally trying to stay alive.
This is the one where Zeus, God of the Sky, thinks I've stolen his lightning bolt - and making Zeus angry is a very bad idea.
Can Percy find the lightning bolt before a fully-fledged war of the Gods erupts?
Percy was hilarious! He took the most serious, battling-with-the-gods moments, and made a joke out of them. It made me giggle the way he annoyed the gods with his smart mouth. I thought he was the perfect protagonist, kind, loyal, brave and funny! I loved his friendship with Annabeth and Grover. He and Annabeth's bickering had me laughing. But Percy would do anything for her, and Grover and vice versa. I really liked Annabeth. She annoyed me a bit at first though, I thought she was an irritating know-it-all. But she turned out to be an awesome, independent, headstrong female heroine! And I do love me a strong female heroine. Grover was sort of a Ron Weasley. Completely lovable. A bit annoying at times, but the best friend you could have. I wish he was my friend :( Actually, now that I think about it, Percy, Grover and Annabeth are a bit like Harry Ron and Hermione. You know, three best friends saving the world from evil, with a little bit of romance put in for good measure. I don't think that's a bad thing though, like Riordan-copied-Rowling, I'm just observing.
I have to be honest, it was a bit hard to get into at the beginning. I found it sort of confusing. But after a couple of chapters it started to get exciting, and I was hooked!
Riordan writing style is fantastic. He really makes you believe Percy, Grover and all the rest of the characters are real. The descriptions are perfect too, I could imagine everything like it were happening right in front of me. The action scenes were excellent. Action scenes in a lot books aren't described very well, it's just a load of chaos! - but in The Lightning Thief they were detailed and exciting. Really, I can't praise this book enough!
There's a really shocking twist near the end, I really wasn't expecting that! I liked the ending, and although it doesn't finish on a cliffhanger,but it does set up for the rest of the series, and leaves the reader wanting more. Lots more! I can't wait to read Sea of Monsters, the next book in the Percy Jackson series. Also, has anyone seen the movie? It looks really good! Comments please :)
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is one of my favourite books, and I highly recommend it to fans of fantasy, adventure, and Greek mythology. Everyone should read this book! It's original, funny and absolutely un-putdownable!
Rating: 5/5
Source: Library
Pages: 1st May 2008
Age Group: 9+
Official Publication Date: 384
Publisher: Puffin
Author Website: www.rickriordan.com or www.percyjackson.co.uk
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